Among the concerts, exhibitions and colorful streets of the festive city, the most magnetic event was the KvARTal Festival, which from September 14 to September 16 left various colorful messages. One of them was the graffiti of a beautiful embrace which directed people’s attention towards the really valuable things in life - human relationships as they are the most valuable currency of exchange. The author of this idea and of this emotional canvas on the facade at 29 Bacho Kiro Street in the center of Sofia is the world famous Bulgarian graffiti artist Nassimo. In connection with the European Year of Cultural Heritage and within the KvARTal Festival 2018: REstart, he painted how past and future meet in the present by embracing each other. Dozens of people have shot themselves hugging each other in front of the graffiti and have sent their photos – you can see them at: HERE
The new graffiti are a natural part of the atmosphere of Sofia which in the last few years has turned into an outdoor gallery of dozens of graffiti. You can find more information about them at: