

Record Number of Newly Born Animals in Sofia Zoo in 2018

Thursday, 31 January 2019

In 2018 Sofia Zoo celebrated its 130th anniversary and a record number of animals were also born – 139 babies (15 animals more compared to 2017). They are of the following species: jackal, antelope, fallow deer, kangaroo, Egyptian vulture, toucan and South American coati. In 2018, in Sofia Zoo were born for the first time ring-tailed lemurs, green aracari and Harris's hawk.

Various animals from other countries have also arrived at the Zoo. They include a camel, snowy and barn owls, as well as Denis the Kangaroo.

More animals are expected to be born in spring. The monkeys, the jackals, the African wild dogs and the snowy owl will have new homes. The new home of the snow-white bird will allow visitors to enter the enclosure and watch special demonstrations Sofia Zoo is attracting more and more people – in 2018 15% more tickets were sold compared to 2017. The Zoo works every day from 8 am to 5 pm. Visit it!