At the annual ceremony of ACES Europe which took place in the Hall of the European Parliament in the Belgian capital at the end of 2018, Sofia was highly praised for her achievements as European Capital of Sport 2018 and for having the honor in 2019 to host a meeting between all European capitals of sport in order to exchange experiences and good practices.
Sofia was declared a permanent holder of the title European Capital of Sport because of the excellent results that it achieved. ACES Europe has never made such a decision in the past. The Mayor of Sofia – Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova, was also declared an Honorary President of ACES Europa for 2019 – something that has never happened before. At a press conference, Gian Francesco Lupattelli - President and Founder of ACES Europe, summarized the general opinion of specialists that Sofia was the most innovative and one the most successful capitals of sport in the nearly 20-year history of the project.