For more than a year now, Sofia’s residents and guests have been able to buy “Sofia Pass” – a three-day pass that you can purchase at all kiosks of Sofia Urban Mobility Center in the capital. For BGN 20 you get a three-day pass for the whole public transport, a discount for more than 60 sites, museums and attractions as well as a guide and a map of the sites with discount. You can find more information at:
As of the end of 2018, you can also take advantage of Bulgaria Discount Card. It costs BGN 10 and is sold in the tourist information centers in Sofia. It includes discounts for more than 50 restaurants and bars, city tours, extreme sports experiences, relaxing therapies and alternative tours. You can use it every time you visit Bulgaria. It is not a personalized pass and thus can be used by your friends and relatives. You can find more information at: