

Vision for Sofia will be Proposed by the end of the year

Friday, 31 August 2018

By a unanimous decision of Sofia Municipal Council, the Bulgarian capital is working out a long-term strategy for the development of the city - Vision for Sofia. It focuses on preserving the unique spirit, spirituality and memory of the past, on the potential of Sofia and how to develop it together. The development of the strategy started in May 2017 when the Municipal Council approved the developed methodological guidelines. At present the third stage (of totally 7 stages) is being carried out – all available information about the city is being collected from all kinds of sources – the municipality, academic circles, non-governmental organizations and the business sector, on seven main topics – People, Identity and Culture, Transport, Environment, Urban Environment, Economics, Management … After the information is collected proposals will be put forward regarding the goals of the Vision. This will constitute the 4th stage which will be executed at the end of the year. In stage 5 feedback on the proposals will be sought from all those who have joined the project up to this stage – experts, NGOs, representatives of the business sector and of the administration, politicians from different parties and groups, and at the end the public opinion will also be taken into consideration. Public campaigns and meetings as well as online activities are also planned. The objectives that manage to gather the greater number of supporters and especially ones from different fields will be ranked first. After that, in Stage 6 the final version of the Vision will be formed which will be offered to Sofia Municipal Council for voting.

You can find more information about the long-term strategy for the development of the city at