The building of St Kliment Ohridski Sofia University
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15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.
St Kliment Ohridski Sofia University was the first establishment of higher learning in Bulgaria. The first design was made by French architect Jean Breasson (1906), but Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev Trusteeship employed architect Yordan Milanov in 1921 to redraw the original design and to manage the construction. The building was officially opened in 1934. The statues of the university’s benefactors, the brothers Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev, executed in bronze by sculptor Kiril Shivarov, were added on both sides of the university’s main entrance. Mihaylo Paraschuck, Lyubomir Dalchev and Lyubomir Dimitrov were enlisted in the general artistic lay-out as well. The stained-glass frames were manufactured in Munich after the design of artists Ivan Penkov, Franz Mayer, Dechko Uzunov, Haralampi Tachev, to mention just a few. The two wings, the northern and the southern, were added to the main building in later years. The University building was ultimately completed as late as the 1980’s.